
Startin' em young

Check my baby girl worshiping with flags.....don't cha just love it. And I'm such a proud mama to know that on my 5yo's 1st day of Kindergarten she drew a picture of her family praising at the Jesus at the Beach festival with flags in hand. It's so sweet to see the purity and unadulterated approach these babes take to the Almighty Father. I recently read an article "Out of the Mouths of Babes" or something like that, in the Voice of the Prophetic magazine that I subscribed to off the Elijah List and it was soooo true... I'm seeing the Glory of God through these little tykes. What a tremendous blessing they are. It'll be exciting to see them grow in the Lord, in their walk....I'm excited because they're not going to be indoctrinated as I once was. They are the next generation of true worshipers as we see in John 4:23 "Yea a time is coming and has now come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." Ohhhh to be sought by the Father. This my friends, is my heart.

Speaking of HeArt....Check this link to an awesome artist's page. It's the HeArts Gallery and I've purchased some of her stuff! It's fresh, new and just downright cool!


At 9:00 AM , Blogger Barby Spiritfire said...

Hello, it is great to find someone of like Spirit. I love the art's and worship too. Where I am from, I am very unique and radical. There are a few who worship the way I do, but I cause A lot of waves with most. It is hard at times to stand apart, but the Holy Spirit inside just won't let me be quiet :) My life verse (even though I have many) is Jer. 20:9. He is a fire in my bones, I am weary of holding Him in, indeed I cannot! It is wonderful to worship with your family, children are so free. Check out my Aug 17th blogg, the girl with long hair in the pink shirt and jean skirt is my daughter. Even though she doesn't think so, she is very prophetic. Well, I look forward to getting to know you more, my sister in Christ.

At 2:02 PM , Blogger Katrina A. said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I can't believe how big that baby girl has gotten!!!! She is beautiful. I think you are right about the intercession here, I am so impatient though. Your banners are AWESOME! And don't feel bad about not homeschooling. I did the same thing. I think God just wanted to know that I was willing to lay down my selfishness and as soon as I relented and said okay, I felt released to send him to school. Now I know how Jacob felt with Isaac, well sort of...God didn't ask me to kill Caleb, just my flesh! Anyway, have a wonderful week!!!

At 11:46 AM , Blogger Godwyn Lim said...

Sister Melinda,

Praise the Lord! It's all about Him Amen?! I am so grateful for your encouragement that uplift me with sisters like Janice, Audrey & many whom love me heaps, just like how precious I am to Christ! I boast not how much I love Him but how much He loves Us Amen?!

The Son of Man, Prince of Peace, & we are the Child of Most High God!

"Indeed, all who desire to live Goldy in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 2 Tim 3:12 [NASB] But this is TEMPORAL Our life is ETERNAL!

Your love for Christ is so great, I'm so glad to know you. Hope one of these days I can travel to praise God with you on your sunny beach!

Jesus is Above all Amen?!

At 11:47 AM , Blogger Godwyn Lim said...

Sister, your baby girl is so adorable:-) Really love to Hug Her!

God Bless:-)

At 11:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, love the banners. Thanks for praying for me. your little girl is ADORABLE! Can't wait to see your latest Holy Spirit isprired creations!

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Godwyn Lim said...

Happy New Year sister! May this New Year bring you wholeness, healing & prosperity to you & your family!

God Bless:-)


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